SEDULUR SIKEP – Ekspedisi Indonesia Biru #08
This story is about the local farmer against cement industry in Central Java.
1889 in Central Java, Samin Soerosentiko founded the College of Adam, which later evolved into the belief and religion for its followers. Their teachings are prohibit trade, just living from agriculture, and they don’t send their children to formal school.
Samin then spearheaded a movement refused to pay taxes to the Dutch colonial government, and when his followers had reached 3,000 people, the colonial government arrested him in 1907. He exiled to West Sumatra and died in 1914.
His followers to continue this movement and is known as “Sedulur Sikep” or “People of Samin”.
Now, their land is threatened by cement industry in the mountains of North Kendeng, Central Java. They inflame the similar resistance.