Gelek Malak Kalawis Pasa is the part of Moi Tribe. Building upon the dialect of the language, they are grouped as Moi Kelin. Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa lives around Klayili District, Sorong Regency, West Papua. Herman Malak leads the Gelek Kalawilis Pasa family as the Head of the tribe.
Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa’s lives depend on the forest where they live. The livelihood of the people and members of Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa gathering forest natural resources such as fruits and Root vegetables, harvesting sago trees, hunting, catching wild animals, and fishing in the river.
The Indigenous area of Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa includes 3.247 hectares. In 1990, the forest area of Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa became part of PT Intimpura Timber Co land concession area, the PT kayu Lapis Indonesia Group subsidiary.
At the moment, Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa is against the offer of the oil palm plantation company that is going after their right to the Indigenous forest area.