Photo By: Watchdoc

The fishermen of Muara Angke organized a sea ritual to express gratitude for their safety and successful fishing. The events highlight the traditional practice of Nadran, where the fishermen gathered commonly consumed dishes such as rice, vegetables, fruits, money, and a symbolic buffalo head wrapped in white cloth.

Datim, the captain of the squid fishing boat, was assigned to bring Nadran’s dish to drift away in the middle of the sea. The challenges in locating catches due to weather conditions made Datim and the other Muara Angke fishermen have to do Nadran to enhance Muara Angke Fishermen’s connection with the sea.

Muara Angke is a port area in North Jakarta that is primarily used for fishing vessels. It serves as a hub for auctioning and trading fish commodities. Originally a fishing village, Muara Angke has been the center of Jakarta’s fishing activities since 1977.

Apart from the fishermen, the surrounding community also enlivened this sea tradition as entertainment. Some of the people also took the seawater and Nadran leftovers. They believe the seawater brings blessings to their wares at home.

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