Photo By: Watchdoc Team

Based on data from the Setara Institute and the International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development (INFID), Indonesia scored 3.3 regarding human rights performance on a scale of 1 to 7 in 2022. A score of 1 indicates that the protection and fulfillment of human rights are inferior. Meanwhile, a score of 7 indicates excellent protection and realization of human rights. Watchdoc’s is one of the media that is concerned about human rights issues which is reflected in various kinds of film products: Bungkam, Undocumented, Wadon Ora di Dol, 1000 Hari Pandemi Series, Demi 1 Persen, Sexy Killer, Kubur Kabar Kabur, Rayuan Pulau Palsu, Dian Jadi Bara, Kiri Hijau Kanan Merah, Alkinemokiye, and other Watchdoc films. In several Watchdoc’s films, we cover the issue of human rights from various perspectives.

To upgrade Watchdoc’s understanding of current Human Rights issues, Watchdoc’s organizes training and discussions on Human Rights for our internal team. In this training, Watchdoc presented Choirul Anam, former commissioner of Komnas HAM.

Safeguarding Human Rights is the goal of democracy, so we must continuously update our understanding of Human Rights issues.